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Image by Andrea Leopardi
Marty Gauvin
Principal Advisor
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Marty Gauvin is an entrepreneur who has established a range of high technology companies. He has founded seven businesses to date, most recent being Virtual Ark, a cloud computing integrator, consultant and managed services provider focused on advancing capabilities ‘above the cloud’ through rolling out transformational solutions using its own and others IP. 


Marty’s history with the R&D Tax Incentive program goes back to its very beginning when he worked on the Innovation Australia Board’s submission on the New Research and development Tax Incentive in October 2009 with departmental staff. In particular, he contributed to the removal of the ‘multiple sales test’ which had existed in the Concession but which had unfairly disadvantaged the software development sector under that program.


Marty is also a co-founder of Virtual Voices which has developed unique IP allowing the human voice to be modified and corrected which has applications as diverse as aged care and cybersecurity.


More about Marty

Darren Bilsborough
Managing Director
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Darren is a Director and strategic consultant who has worked with a variety of professional services firms in the design, construction and advisory professions within the built environment and property industry.

He was an adjunct Professor of Sustainability with the Curtin University Sustainability Policy (CUSP) Institute and during this time was also the interim CEO of a Co-operative Research Centre (CRC) bid entitled the “Centre for the Design of Cities”, a board member of the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre (SBEnrc) (also known as the CRC for Construction Innovation) and was Chair of their Research Committee.

He was also nominated in the “Engineer’s Atlas” in Architectural Record as one of the 70 greatest mechanical and structural engineers of all time from around the world (one of only 3 people nominated from Australia on that list).
Darren is passionate about the creation of long term enduring value and considers the RDTI is a severely under utilised resource available to Australian companies who believe in their people, their products and their abilities to take on the World.


More about Darren

Roger Yerramsetti
Senior Advisor
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Roger has 20 years experience leading technology, innovation and operational departments of ASX100 companies, startups and early stage companies. He is a critical thinker and can quickly come up to speed to understand problems from a customer, business and technical point of view, and able to propose creative and innovative solutions.


His personal mantra is to “imagine a better way” when approaching business challenges.


Roger has assisted several companies with their Research Plans and helped to shape projects to achieve research outcomes.


More about Roger

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